Why I Write

Why I Write!

© Sangeeta Gulatee Manocha

I am Sangeeta… Translated, it means A symphony… And I live a parallel life!

A life where thoughts, like notes of music, fill up my head, and then begin to flow out, one after another, like children running out of school after the bell rings. Hither and thither they run, wafting away like steam from the tea kettle, as I try to gather them, trying to block their escape. But I fail to stop them all, and they begin to dance in a beautiful swirl, forming a halo around my head.

I grab a pen and any wisp of paper I can lay my hands on, so I may capture the ones I can!

Time stands still! The world ceases to exist! It’s just me and my thoughts, and a Dreamland that’s mine alone!

Until someone calls out, and I’m forced to get back to my unending daily grind.

©~ Sangeeta Gulatee Manocha

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